A Blog to Realize Enlightenment

Category: Nonduality

The illusion of time

There is no past. There is no future. Everything we think has happened or will happen is now in this moment existing only as a thought. The present is all there is and it is infinite; it is eternal. I have become conscious of this and so can you.

I’ve contemplated many hours on the subject of time. It is incredibly difficult to talk about because like many other topics in spirituality, words are inadequate. They simply cannot substitute for the vehicle of experience. That said, I keep coming back to it. I suppose each new insight I have on the nature of time reshapes my understanding and perception of it. A couple of years ago I watched a video of Bentinho Massaro describing the nature of time. I am not advocating for or against his teachings, but something clicked for me while watching this. Following that, I experienced a waking dream in which the creation of time was illustrated perfectly. Since then, a more robust understanding has come together more and more through the practice of meditation and other forms of yoga. In this moment, I feel confident that I understand the nature of time enough to describe it with language.

The ego constructs the concept of time as a means to perpetuate its own existence. The past is an account of who the ego believes itself to be, while the future is a promise of what the ego can become. As we identify with the thoughts called memories we reinforce the belief of who we think we are. Conversely, by placing stipulations on our happiness it becomes attainable at a future date. In our culture, retirement is a great example of this. “If I work this job for another fifteen years, I can retire. Then I’m going to travel, move to my dream city, and dive into my art.”

Modern quantum mechanics is at the cusp of the way in which we construct time. However, due to the religion that is science, a scientist cannot comprehend this until they step outside the paradigm of science. For example: a fish does not understand that it lives in water. Only when it crawls onto land as an amphibian can it begin to comprehend water. Scientists are rational material reductionists, so they are always looking for the building blocks and constants in reality so as to be able to predict and explain reality. Of course, this is akin to a fish trying to describe water to another fish.

The basics of quantum mechanics begin with the double slit experiment in 1801. Without going into too much detail, this experiment illustrated that light is both a particle and a wave function. Light is a particle, or photon, only when its measured. Prior to being measured, it is a wave function, or potential. What this means is that particles, the presumed building blocks of reality, aren’t actually particles like science had previously posited. This experiment laid the groundwork towards proving that reality has no solid form until a measurement is taken. A measurement implies an observer. If something is observed, essentially it is being measured. Going full circle, reality does not take shape or form unless there is a conscious being observing it. That being also has an effect on how reality takes shape. For example: an electron doesn’t have a fixed position around an atom. Instead there is an electron cloud. The electron(s) can be anywhere in the cloud, or area of possibility. Only when the electron(s) is measured through an instrument does it take a position. The double slit experiment turned Newtonian physics on its head because it drastically recontextualized what scientists thought they knew. The experiment is widely accepted across all science, such that is has become a law, but rather than producing clarity among scientists, it has instead muddied the water so-to-speak. Scientists agree in the results of the experiment, but as previously stated, cannot comprehend the implications. As such, modern day physics has yet to bridge the gap between Newtonian physics and quantum mechanics.

How does this relate to time? There is a mega jump coming so hold tight. Following, I will use the word Consciousness with a capital “C” to represent the infinite and eternal awareness that is inherently the source of all that is manifested as well as the unmanifest. Consciousness is essentially, God, Allah, Shiva, Truth, or any other term one wants to use. I refrain from these labels because of the connotation each carries, inevitably coloring the word to a shade other than intended. Of course, the term Consciousness is not immune to this problem, but I assume it less likely. An interesting side note: Shiva, the central deity in Hindu culture, means, “that which is not.” Hindus understand that the source of everything is nothing. The universe is born of nothing and as such returns to whence it came. 

Every conscious being is manifested by Consciousness. Think of beings as Consciousness splitting itself into an infinite number of perspectives so that it can experience itself through every possibility. To put it more succinctly, imagine a black sphere with a light placed inside. Now picture the black sphere covered with tiny pin pricks such that the light from inside shines outward. The light inside is Consciousness and the holes through which it shines are beings. In this way, beings manifest their own reality through the act of perception because as we already discussed reality isn’t concrete; it is pure, infinite potential. A being perceives what it chooses to create based on its perspective. This creation is done continuously and each created and perceived moment is strung together to create a seemingly fluid experience and the illusion of the passage of time. For example: some cameras can shoot thousands of frames per second. Each frame is separate and unique from all other frames, but when you string them together in a sequence, motion appears to happen. It’s like those stick figure drawings on the bottom corner of pages in a book. As you flip the pages quickly, the figure appears to move and a story unfolds. Consciousness is manifesting a unique experience every single moment. It is done so quickly that normal conscious attention doesn’t perceive it. Think of a strobe light. Under its effects, each movement is highlighted and registers with the brain such that the experience isn’t smooth. That effect is exactly what Consciousness is doing. The brain smooths the effect by linking the experiences for the purpose of creating the illusion of a fluid experience. Everything that appears to happen is happening in the eternal present. Each moment perceived is created anew.

Thoughts about the past and future work the same way. The supposed past is really just a collection of thoughts. If you think that you were born it’s because you believe it and thus manifest that thought. This ties into my previous post, Belief. Ideas about the future are just thoughts or musings projected to a moment we deem more suitable. For example: science is a belief system that thinks its uncovering truths about the universe, but actually its creating it and the idea of a future. Similarly, historians believe they are uncovering truths about our past, but in actuality, they are creating beliefs about our past. This is done collectively throughout humanity. We all lend energy in the form of belief to these things, thus they are manifested. All experiences and or perceptions happen in the present moment. Direct experience is all there is. A thought is simply a thought in the present moment. It does not mean anything or imply anything other than being merely a thought. What you did five minutes ago is a thought. It isn’t real. It doesn’t exist. For the sake of driving the point home, yes, five minutes ago, you manifested an experience. Understand though that minutes are a concept created by humans to measure the perceived change of experiences. There is no such thing as minutes. Consciousness doesn’t operate in time because time is a human construct used for the purpose of communicating with other humans.

As previously stated, everything we think we know is really based on belief. Time is no exception. Any topic I write about on this blog is inextricably linked to everything else in some way. To digest what I have written requires an open mind and the willingness to question one’s beliefs. I encourage everyone to explore this explanation of time, and of course don’t blindly believe me. Become conscious of it yourself.

From nothing to infinity (the unfolding of consciousness)

In the beginning there was nothing. No thing existed. Not even space. In fact, to call it nothing gives rise to something, but this is the limitation that we face with language. This nothing is also inconceivable because to think of nothing also gives rise to something. Nonetheless, from out of the nothingness came the simplest of forms. Ethereal gas spread across vast distances in what can now be called space. This gas, began to coalesce in clusters, swirling and dancing until more and more dense fields formed. The gas became so dense that it started to fuse with itself creating tremendous amounts of energy and also forming new gases. These stars went on consuming themselves until they could not. In it’s last breath, a star would blow out all that fusion had created during the star’s lifetime. These remnants were rich with new elements that sowed fresh stars. This process went on creating more complex patterns of which included solid matter. This matter consolidated to form planets.

On one particular planet, tumultuous geological activity raged onward shifting solid matter and creating vast oceans of temperate water as well as an atmosphere that cradled this now fertile nursery. With the conditions perfect for life, a single-celled biological organism appeared. It soon created more single-celled organisms. Eventually, these organisms gave way to multi-cellular organisms until microscopic organisms were prolific throughout the ocean. This life became increasingly more complex and diverse as mutations in genetic codes occurred. The planet was soon teeming with an abundance of plant and animal life. Species would die off and new ones would take their place. All the while, they would become more and more complex and specialized. Eventually, the most intricate being emerged and it enjoyed a keen sense of self-awareness.

These humans possessed intelligence unlike any other being on this planet and they had bodies that illustrated perfection in form. These traits allowed humans to adapt and evolve exponentially. They learned to communicate with each other at first through primitive means but gradually with more and more complexity. They formed groups and created villages, towns, and city states to maximize their efficiency and survival. These communities gave way to complex networks that eventually formed countries and nations. These humans or people, soon colonized the entire planet they called Earth.

As the distances between groups of people increased, these beings developed new means of communicating with each other. One of the systems widely used was an arrangement of  markings called alphabets that they used to transcribe their oral language. These languages were complex and varied respective to the region where it was developed. This method, they called writing, soon became a means to communicate across the entire planet. Since this took an exceptional amount of time by human standards, they developed more and more complex methods of connecting. They created telegraphs, radio waves, telephones, and televisions. All of these were much faster ways of transmitting information and thereby connecting people from different countries.

The age of the computer gave way to even more improvement for these humans. Computers allowed people to collect and process information at an incredible rate; in conjunction with this technology they called satellites that orbited Earth, they created a network that spanned the entire planet. They called this network the internet or the web. Computers all over Earth communicated with each other through code developed by people. They also had small hand-held devices that could link with this wireless network at the touch of their finger. This technology allowed people from all parts of the world to share their unique perspective with everyone else. This complex web of information brought people closer together by bridging cultural and ideological gaps.

The arbitrary boundaries that humans had once drawn between countries and nations collapsed in the wake of this global communication. Eventually humans identified simply as Earthlings rather than a specific country. By this time, people had traveled to another planet they called Mars and populated it the way they did Earth. Since the journey from Earth to Mars took roughly six to ten months of human time, they needed to develop a better means of communicating with each other. Once again, humans developed a new technology to solve their problem. They created an intricate system of relaying information using light. It only took about three minutes of human time to transmit light from Earth to Mars so it seemed the most plausible means.

Humans began augmenting their organic bodies with electronic components for the purpose of enhancing connectivity with the web. They also learned to harness more of their brain potential through the use of computing and modifying their genetic code.  This increased their human processing ability and also led to new means of communicating with each other through thought. This gave rise to a new species referred to by their purely organic counterparts as humanoids. Humanoids were far more connected to one another than humans and this afforded them richer and more impactful experiences.

Before long, humanoids had explored the furthest reaches of their solar system using fusion-based starships and propulsion technology that allowed them to travel magnitudes faster than before. It wasn’t safe for humans to travel long distances in space due to certain physical limitations that the humanoids didn’t possess; this along with their lack of connectivity led to an eventual extinction of the human population. Humanoids learned to harness the power of the sun at the center of their solar system allowing them to populate the system and be completely connected to one another.

The inherent nature of consciousness is to expand further and further, never settling for any limitations. Humanoids began to understand this more and more as their time went on. They faced the novel challenge of accessing new solar systems where the distance from one another was greater than they could feasibly travel. This predicament ushered a change in the culture. Humanoids learned to access deeper states of consciousness which opened the fourth dimension. This dimension allowed for near instantaneous travel as it bent the field humanoids called space time.

The story goes on. Humanoids  were replaced by a new species far more adept at accessing deeper and more complex states of consciousness and multitudes of dimensions. They populated and colonized the star system once called The Milky Way Galaxy by humans and humanoids. They learned to harness the potential of the black hole at the center of the galaxy. This process went on and on creating more complex social structures and new species. All the while, the known universe never seemed to stop. As long as a species had means, there appeared to be an unexplored piece of the puzzle.

A black hole is what humans and humanoids referred to when describing the all consuming nothingness that occurred when very large stars exhausted themselves. The very thing that gives life also takes it away. These voids where nothing escapes, including light, serve one purpose. They complete the cycle of life. Everything was born from nothing and thus must return to nothing. These black holes consume all form, including each other, until there is nothing left but the nothingness from the beginning of this story.

Consciousness will always seek to expand because it is trying to complete the circle of its origin. Life, all form is essentially a strange loop. Its origin is also its conclusion and vice versa. Consciousness is exploring itself and coming to know itself. It is the fabric of all form in varying states of awareness. It is the ant frantically scouting for food for the colony. It is the volcano that blows its lid showering the land with ash. It is the domestic cat sleeping twenty hours a day. It is the sun using fusion to create energy. Consciousness is lion that chases down the gazelle because it must eat. It is the black hole that will eventually consume and be consumed. It is the newborn human being cradled in its mother’s arms. Everything creates a network through which consciousness experiences itself in form. Humans are just another piece of this network. We only think we are separate because consciousness has folded in on itself and created the idea of a separate self. Its all part of the exploration game. When beings populate the galaxies and eventually the universe, that is consciousness knowing and experiencing itself across immeasurable distances. Consciousness is actually infinite. This means there are no limitations on it. It has no boundaries; it does not stop. The universe will go on infinitely as long as form conceives of more and more reality or until the laws of the universe, that it created, pull all form back into nothingness so the whole game can begin again. Consciousness cannot be conceived of because of its infinite nature. Any form it takes will be less than the whole and thus not the totality. Your true Self is consciousness expressing itself through the person you believe yourself to be. You are perfect just the way you are. You are a Buddha.

Dispelling the myth of separateness

Everything is one. This concept has become more popular in our culture since the 1960’s and even more so recently with the rise of New Age and spirituality. It is easy to dismiss it or even take it for granted because often times it’s spoken as a platitude. I’d wager that most people write it off as hippie, New Age, bullshit; basically, anyone in Spiral Dynamics stage orange and below. See my post Spiral Dynamics overview. Whether you believe it or not, I invite you to entertain the notion for the duration of this post. Life is about perspective. Our perceptions become our experience, which in turn becomes our reality.

Everything in our experience is part of the infinite whole. No thing or person is separate from anything or anyone else. Imagine that each person is like a wave in an infinite ocean, or a star in the infinite universe. It is our self-awareness that leads us to believe we are separate. In western culture, we praise our ability to think because it elevates us above all other beings on Earth. The irony is that the act of thinking does in fact separate us, but only in our minds. The illusion of separateness is so convincing because for the game to play out as intended it must be. It is the grand design of infinitely intelligent consciousness that it be this way.

The religion that is science has greatly helped to perpetuate this myth of separateness. The human mind wants to dissect, categorize, and label. This leads to breaking down everything in our experience and then trying to make sense of the rubble. All human learning can be distilled to this exact process. Every subject in school is essentially a narrowed perspective on a particular field of human experience. The physical sciences however, lead the charge. Operating from a materialist paradigm, that the universe is made up of physical stuff, creates the foundation for our woes of separation.

About two thousand four hundred years ago, the Greeks believed atoms were the smallest pieces of matter. Our word atom comes from the Greek word atomos, meaning uncuttable or indivisible. In 1897, the electron was discovered, and thus smaller than an atom. In the first half of the twentieth century, the proton, neutron, positron, and photon all came into view. Then in 1968 the quark was discovered to be smaller still. The point of this history is that our attempts to find the building blocks of the universe will always turn up something. The sophistication or advancement of our technology is what determines how and where we can search. Once we develop the means of looking inside quarks we will discover something new. Currently, scientists are proposing points or strings as the smallest bits of matter. Conversely, the current map of the known universe exists as it does only because we do not yet have the means to look beyond.

A typical cell, for the sake of this post, is the building block of life. Cells are foundational to all plant and animal life. In a human being, a similar network of cells arrange to form tissue, and tissue arranges to make organs. Organs work together to form systems like the circulatory system, the skeletal system, the nervous system and the endocrine system. Every system functions in harmony to create the human body. Our conscious attention is identified with the body, therefore we think of the body as us and separate from other bodies. With the aid of a microscope one can observe a single human cell. With the conscious attention on that cell it appears separate, but as explained above, without human cells there would be no human. Under the microscope, the cell appears to be a universe in and of itself. It has a wall and membrane or edge. It is comprised of a cytoskeleton that gives it structure, organelles which aid in cellular function, and a nucleus containing the genetic code (the source of cell life). If the cell was self-aware, it’s plausible to say that it would think it exists as a separate entity. From the human perspective, we can see that is clearly false. Taking this a step further, visualize expanding your awareness beyond the body, beyond your country, and encompass the entire earth. This is much easier to do today because of technology. If you are having trouble with this, use Google Maps with satellite view and zoom out. Relatively speaking, humans are microscopic organisms on planet Earth. From this perspective humans are not separate, rather part of the living Earth. In fact, all plants and animals are contributing uniquely towards the totality that is Earth. Said another way, Earth would not be what it is without each living thing being what it is. Take time with this example if need be. If you can grasp this perspective it will change your life. To drive the point further, expand your awareness beyond Earth, beyond the solar system, and to the edge of the universe. Here is a wonderful YouTube video doing just that. You will notice that every cluster or grouping, be it planets, solar system, galaxy, or galaxy cluster is just a subset of a larger thing. What does this mean? Everything is relative to perspective, and every seemingly separate thing is really only part of the much larger whole. There is no smallest thing nor any largest thing. All reality goes on infinitely in infinite dimensions.

Going back to human consciousness, since our perspective is from this body, we lose sight of the bigger picture. Since the nature of conscious attention is intelligent focused awareness, a curious thing happens. The concept of ego arises. Ego is the identification with a perspective, i.e. this view, thought, or body is mine. This has been illustrated beautifully with Rene Descartes’s famous quote: “I think, therefore I am.” In fact, in the spirit of this post, it would be more appropriate to say, “I am, therefore I think.” This identification with our body leads us to believe that all things other than our body are not us. We also identify with our thoughts because science tells us that the brain is the source of consciousness. Using this logic, we perceive thoughts coming from the brain as unique to each of us. In the midst of this fragmentation and disassociation we find ourselves cutoff from everything and everyone. This has led to suffering on a catastrophic level. Not only for humans, but also for those we share this planet with. When we view something or someone as separate from ourselves, we erect a barrier. This wall allows us to perform unspeakable acts. By this means we are able to cut down forests, pollute rivers and oceans, raise animals for slaughter, and of course inflict untold violence on other humans. The root of all human suffering stems from this belief in separation.

This dichotomy of self vs. other is the foundation for the grand game being played by Consciousness, the Self, God, Buddha nature, Brahman, Allah, whatever one chooses to call It. In order for God to know Itself It had to fragment Itself into Self and other. As I’ve remarked in the past, we can only know something in relation to something else. The grand game is to explore every aspect of Self with the ultimate and inevitable realization that the Self is all that there is. In spirituality as well as Buddhism, and Hinduism, there is much talk and reference to consciousness, and for good reason. As our consciousness expands, so too does our sense of self. The Spiral Dynamics model depicts this perfectly. As our sense of self expands to incorporate other people, the planet, all life, and eventually the infinite universe, we realize that everything is one and its totality is what we are.

Real reality?

I saw a short film that explored the idea of reality as a subjective experience. The main character entered a virtual world where he established a life. A trusted individual within the virtual world convinced him that it was indeed the “real world” and encouraged him to destroy the device that linked him to the original world thus no longer allowing him to “wake up.” The family members of the character were able to see on screen his experiences in the virtual world. They watched in horror as he destroyed the device that could bring him back to them. They were left with their sorrow and his catatonic body. 

This idea of which reality certainly illustrates a true conundrum. Since we are on the doorstep of virtual reality at present, it isn’t difficult to imagine this path. It’s a matter of time before virtual reality will be so perfect that it isn’t discernible from the original reality. So if fake reality feels the same as real reality, then how does one discern which is real and which is not? The answer is clear. It doesn’t matter! Reality is what the experiencer believes it to be. There is no such thing as an objective reality. Every person creates their own reality through experience and thought. Each of our realities are overlapping with others to create a consensus on a “real reality.” Is this collective “real reality” then real? Of course not. It is merely the human reality. Since there is no way to know an objective reality then no reality is the “real thing.” Each person’s reality is real to them, but no one else. This difference of perspective is the source of all human conflict. That aside, I want to explore deeper.

The film, The Matrix, touched on the false idea of an objective reality. All of humanity believed itself to be rooted in reality when in fact what was real for humans was not what was real for machines. The machines were using human bodies as energy sources. To accomplish this, they created a virtual world for humans to exist in. This illustrates the point made earlier that reality is purely subjective. Multiple subjective realities can communicate and agree on a collective subjective reality as did the humans and the machines in the film, but being that it was a film, it also wasn’t real!

Human beings have more or less agreed on an objective reality. We believe we live in separate countries on the planet Earth within this solar system found on the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy where everything is made up of something. We believe we are born and that we will one day die. These ideas are widely accepted as reality because they are passed on from generation to generation.  Also, we have this wonderful religion called science that perpetuates these ideas, but I digress. Plants and animals have their own reality as well. Imagine how bees and ants communicate with each other when describing a human being swatting at them or stepping on them. From bee and ant perspective, are humans home and property owners that run errands, play with their children, watch tv, and go to the mall? Heck no! Humans are these giant moving entities that appear suddenly to occasionally disrupt progress and sometimes kill fellow hive and colony members.

Every living being experiences life from its unique perspective, and thus its own version of reality. This begs the question, how can everything seem real but also be perceived so differently? The answer lies in the intelligent design of the universe. This is an extremely nuanced concept and requires personal experience, but I will touch on it briefly so as to attempt to put things into perspective. The Creator has designed a virtual reality which we call life. The purpose of this infinite virtual world is to explore and discover our true nature. By this means, everything we experience is illusion born from nothingness. Nothing is real, and yet everything is all there is. Without experience, there is nothing. The foundation of all experience cannot be rooted in anything because then that thing would be outside of reality. Thus, everything comes from nothing and nothing is all that there is. This concept of everything and nothing simultaneously, is the true non-dual state. Its packaged so simply that comprehension should be effortless, and yet its probably one of the most difficult truths to bear. It’s the most delicious strange loop, and it makes me smile everything I think about it.

Another mind-bending film, Existenz, also uses the virtual world to question the nature of reality. The plot is a sticky web much too convoluted to explain here. However, it’s a beautiful strange loop that calls into question what we assume about reality. A line from the film that caught my attention was, “You have to play the game in order to find out why you’re playing the game.” This sentence sounds esoteric or even pretentious, and for good reason. This is a key insight into the game of life. Only when one has properly seen through the illusion does the game and its mechanics take shape. What a glorious game it is!

The ideas stated here may seem radical and the stuff of science-fiction. They may be hard to conceptualize and even harder to embody. I think the virtual reality argument I posed earlier is the best way to convey this concept of no “real reality.” We are alive in an exciting time where virtual reality is in its infancy. This is the beginning of a new phase for humanity. Until now, we have assumed there is such a thing as the “real world.” Many of us use the terms “the real world” and “in real life” regularly without even thinking about it. We take for granted our experiences because they are so vivid and seemingly, “real.” The truth is, the only thing that is real is what is in our direct experience. What we experience in this moment is all that exists. The catch, however, is that this moment is fleeting and in a constant state of flux. Once its gone, it no longer exists. It becomes a memory, a thought the mind clings to. Now is all there is. Enjoy it.

This life is but a dream

Imagine you had the power to control every aspect of your dreams and you could dream anything your imagination came up with. Also, you could alter your sense of time such that you would be able to live an entire lifetime in the course of one night’s sleep. Before drifting off each night you would decide what kind of life you wanted to live. Remember, every event and every experience that you had that lifetime was decided by you before you slept. There would be no surprises or freak accidents to blindside you.

At first you’d orchestrate your greatest ambitions and your wildest fantasies. Perhaps you’d meet the love of your life and cherish each other in a lifelong romance that would rival any Hollywood story. Maybe you would land your dream job and achieve wild success making more money than you could spend. You could decide to host extravagant parties every weekend where you rubbed elbows with celebrities, music artists, and the most influential people in the world. If politics and waging war is your desire, so be it. Do you want to care for poor and destitute children all over the globe? Would you want to be the most attractive man or woman and have the craziest sex with anyone you desired? Its all yours to decide. You have the power.

Perhaps after several months of living lifetimes every night, you would think up a new angle. You would step outside the box so-to-speak. You might decide you wanted to be a superhero or supervillain. Maybe you would travel through time and manipulate the past or spy on the future of humanity. You could dream yourself to be a creature of your own creation and live that life. Create your own planet in a solar system of your design on the edge of a galaxy never heard of. Your dream doesn’t even have to be that elaborate. If you wanted you could be a tree in a forest in northern California. You might choose to be someone’s pet turtle. For that matter, the life of a Koala  that sleeps twenty hours a day is available.

This would go on for some time, and at a certain point you would find yourself exhausted for ideas. The next step would of course be to decide to live a life in which you forgot you were dreaming. You would become anxious and maybe even swallowed by grief because to you it was all so real. You would get caught up in danger and toy with death. Whatever you decided, no matter how far reaching or dangerously out of hand you let things get, it wouldn’t matter because eventually you’d wake up. Each night you would push yourself further and further in an attempt to see how far you out you could go. Is there a limit to your fear?

Eventually, you would dream the dream of the life that you are living today.

To be the Godhead, the divine source of all creation, means infinite possibility at your disposal. Just like infants and children are enamored with the games peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek respectively, so too is the Godhead. The act of forgetting that you are the creative force of the universe is the only game in town. The journey to discover your true nature spans hundreds of lifetimes if not a thousand. In the end though, you appreciate the adventure and have a great laugh.

I can’t take credit for this metaphor. It was delivered so eloquently by Alan Watts over fifty years ago. I have of course shared the idea with my own literary spin. It may sound fantastical, but I would urge you not to be dismissive. You may find that it isn’t so far fetched after all. At the very least, entertain the notion that anything is possible. I encourage you to discover for yourself.

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